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Text File | 1995-03-19 | 40.3 KB | 1,162 lines |
- Preliminary documentation for JR-Comm 0.90
- ------------------------------------------
- JR-Comm is Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 by John P. Radigan
- All Rights Reserved.
- This document is Copyright (C) 1989 by John P. Radigan
- All Rights Reserved.
- Disclaimer
- No warranty, either express or implied, is made with respect to the
- fitness or merchantability of JR-Comm.
- Acknowledgements
- Thanx Manx, for giving me a nice environment to work with, Aztec 3.6
- w/sdb.
- Gimpel Software for Amiga Lint.
- Daniel M. Lawrence, MicroEMACS 3.10.
- Russ Ranshaw for his CompuServe B Plus protocol document.
- Peter Boswell for his WXMODEM protocol document.
- Chuck Forsberg for his X/YMODEM and ZMODEM protocol specifications and
- for his public domain rz.c, sz.c & zm.c source files, it took a bit of
- work figuring out what he did, but it was well worth it!
- Paul Resch for his BPLUS.C source file, converted from the Pascal source
- BPLUS.PAS by Russ Ranshaw.
- Charlie Heath for getfile.c, didn't use it, but it did show me the
- anatomy of how a file requester works.
- Tony Sumrall & Dave Wecker for the VT100 sources, my basis for learning
- how a comm program functions.
- Mark G. Mendel for his CRC-16 data table.
- Gary S. Brown for his CRC-32 data table.
- My trio of faithful beta testers, Jim Burwell, Wayne Hackney and Bruce
- Schoenburger. Sorry for that damn guru guys...
- And lastly, the various commercial and otherwise telecomm programs that
- are available for the Amiga, you gave me something to shoot for...
- 1.1 Overview.
- Welcome to the preliminary release of JR-Comm, a telecommunications
- tool for the Amiga series of personal computers.
- Present features available:
- ASCII file transfer protocols are included. All file transfers
- adhere strictly to the appropriate specifications and provide
- throughput figures exceeding most other communications programs
- available for the Amiga.
- - A phonebook that can store an almost limitless number of directory
- entries(dependant on available memory). Each entry contains all the
- options available to completely re-configure JR-Comm, not just name,
- number and serial port parameters.
- - Optionaly generate a unique password for each directory entry.
- - An intelligent dialer that monitors the results of each attempt and
- is capable of multiple entry dialing.
- - A very powerful file requester that maintains several lists of files,
- devices and directories. During a batch protocol selection it enables
- you to select files from any number of directories in a simple manner.
- - An almost 100% complete IBM ANSI terminal emulation.
- - Chat mode with line editing and history. Review buffer, function key
- macros. Session capture with filters. Session log.
- 1.2 System requirements.
- JR-Comm can be run on any Amiga with as little as 512k of system ram.
- The 16 color screen mode requires about 300k of ram in order for the
- various requesters to be opened. If you're tight on free memory use the
- Workbench or 2 color screen to keep memory requirements below 225k.
- Although any Hayes compatible modem will work with JR-Comm, some of the
- more advanced features of JR-Comm are available if your modem has a
- functional carrier detect signal. An optional method of hanging up the
- modem can be used if your modem will disconnect when the DTR signal is
- dropped.
- JR-Comm also supports high-speed modems via CTS/RTS handshaking so that
- the increased throughput they are capable of with MNP and fixed data
- link speeds between modem and computer can be obtained. Tests have been
- run with a MultiTech 224 EH and US Robotics HST modem to date.
- 1.3 Default files and paths.
- When JR-Comm is first started, it will determine the default path for
- certain files that JR-Comm uses for initial settings. It first trys
- to locate the logical directory JRCOMM:, if that is not present it will
- set the default path to the S: directory.
- JR-Comm will then try to locate the following files, if they exist in the
- current directory they will overide any that are found in the default path.
- jrcomm.def - User defined default parameters file.
- jrcomm.macros - Function key macros file.
- jrcomm.phones - Phonebook file.
- jrcomm.log - Session logfile.
- If the jrcomm.def file isn't located JR-Comm will use an internal set of
- default settings for initial operation.
- 1.3.1 Filename creation.
- JR-Comm adds one of five postfixes to a filename after it has been
- entered in a string gadget. These postfixes are:
- .def - Defaults file.
- .macros - Macros file.
- .phones - Phonebook.
- .log - Session log.
- .cap - Capture file.
- The appropriate string gadget will be immediately updated, except when
- using the file reqester but, the filename will be updated after the file
- requester has been closed. JR-Comm will determine if the filename already
- has the proper extension, if it does, it will not append another.
- 1.4 The display.
- The default display used is a borderless Workbench window. Although not
- visible, there is the usual front/back gadget pair in the upper right
- corner of the window.
- Optional displays are borderless windows on a 2, 4, 8 or 16 color custom
- screen. When using a custom screen there are no front/back gadgets
- available. There is a menu item which will puch the JR-Comm custom screen
- to the back of the Amiga display when selected. This item will also move
- the Workbench window version of JR-Comm to the back too.
- The colors used are set to the normal IBM color palette of BLACK, RED,
- GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN and WHITE. The reason a 16 color
- screen is available is because of the high-intensity attribute
- available for each of the eight colors. The colors are arranged in an
- order that is different from the IBM version, this was done so that an
- acceptable color scheme could be used for all of the screens available.
- The blinking character attribute of the IBM display is rendered as a
- bold character in this emulation.
- An option is provided for the user to select the text and background
- colors of the display from the current palette without changing the
- palette itself.
- An ibm.font file is included so that the complete IBM character set can
- be used to complete the IBM ANSI emulation.
- The blinking underline curor is implemented as a screen sprite. When
- the JR-Comm display is pushed to the back the cursor will still be visible
- until another window is activated. The cursor only is visible while the
- JR-Comm window is active and no menus are present on the screen. It is
- also turned off when a requester is displayed.
- 1.4.1 Display limitations.
- At rates above 2400 baud you may experience "lost" data with the 16
- color screen display. This screen uses a substantial amount of cpu time
- and leaves little for the 68000 to keep up with continuous streams of
- incoming data.
- 2.1 First time users.
- Prior to running JR-Comm for the first time you must install the IBM
- character font. First create a directory labled "ibm" in your FONTS:
- directory with the following command at the CLI.
- makedir FONTS:ibm
- Next, place the two font files from the JR-Comm archive file in the
- FONTS: directory with these following commands.
- copy ibm.font FONTS:
- copy 8 FONTS:ibm
- If you wish to assign JRCOMM: to a specific directory you should modify
- your Startup-sequence file located in the S: directory by adding the
- following command. If you do not wish to re-boot your machine before
- running JR-Comm you should also enter this command from the CLI at this
- time.
- assign JRCOMM: "pathname"
- Replace "pathname" with the directory name you are going to use. Floppy
- disk based users may wish to label a formatted disk with "JRCOMM" to
- achieve the same result. The command to do this would be.
- label drive df0: name "JRCOMM"
- DF0: was only used as an example, you may want to do this from a
- different drive. Also, notice that the ':' character was not used in
- the name "JRCOMM".
- 2.2 Initial startup meassages.
- After JR-Comm starts up it will display a copyright notice and some
- system information about what it is using for parameters. If no
- carrier detect signal was present it will also send a standard Hayes
- compatible initialization string to the modem. A blinking underline
- cursor will then indicate that JR-Comm is now ready for operation.
- 2.3 The status line.
- The 25th line of the display defaults as a status line. At the extreme
- right is a time-of-day clock. In 12 hour format it has a blinking colon
- indicating seconds and an am/pm indicator.
- To the immediate left of the time-of-day clock is a connect timer which
- will begin counting once the carrier detect signal goes high after the
- modem connects to a remote system. If the timer is counting when not
- connected please read the following section about setting your modem.
- To the left of the connect timer is a list of current settings for
- transfer protocol and serial port settings. See below for what each
- character refers to.
- X FN 8N1 2400
- | || ||| |
- | || ||| +----- Baud rate
- | || ||+-------- Stop bits
- | || |+--------- Parity
- | || +---------- Data bits
- | |+------------ Handshake
- | +------------- Duplex
- +--------------- Protocol
- The left portion of the status line is used to display the filename of
- where data is currently being captured to or, which file is being used
- for the ASCII send function. It is also used while the chat mode is
- active, please see the chat mode section for more detailed information.
- 2.4 Modem setup.
- If your modem has the carrier detect signal permanently asserted it
- will make the connect timer start counting immediately after JR-Comm is
- started. If it is possible to set your modem to make carrier detect
- function normally you should do so now. Most Hayes compatible 2400 bps
- modems can use the following command to set modem so that the carrier
- detect signal functions normally, it then writes the modem parameters
- to non-volatile ram so that it will remain that way.
- AT&C1&W
- Please check your user manual for the modem to insure that this command
- will work, you may find that a switch may have to be changed instead of,
- or in addition to, the above command.
- If you cannot turn off the carrier detect signal you should deactivate
- JR-Comm from sensing it by turning the ignore button on in the modem
- requester.
- 2.4.1 MNP modems.
- In order to use an MNP modem properly for maximizing the throughput they
- are capable of delivering, you need to set JR-Comm and the modem to a
- fixed baud rate that is usually 2 to 4 times greater than the connection
- rate between the two modems.
- Since the Amiga is sending data at a rate higher than the modem can send
- down the phone line some sort of handshaking must be used so that the
- internal buffer inside the modem does not overflow. Most often, the
- kind of handshaking used is hardware, or CTS/RTS handshaking.
- The serial device the Amiga uses has an oddity in that it requires the
- DSR signal to be active when it is first opened, or it won't set CTS/RTS
- handshaking active. the trouble is that most MNP modems default to have
- the DSR signal follow the carrier detect signal. Fortunately, they almost
- always have a command and/or switch to permanently set DSR active.
- Please set your MNP modem to keep DSR high if you intend to use CTS/RTS
- handshaking.
- 3.1 YAFR...
- Yes, Another File Requester... Why?
- Well simply put, it was needed for one reason, selecting multiple
- files for batch transfers. But, the big difference here is that this
- requester gives you the ability to select files from multiple
- directories and/or volumes too!
- 3.2 Functional description.
- The file requester opens up in one of two modes as indicated in the
- title. One mode is a "SINGLE FILE REQUEST", which will allow you to
- select only one file at a time. The other mode is the "BATCH FILE
- REQUEST", which allows you to select any number of files.
- The requester also creates five seperate lists that you can look at to
- select files or change directories with. The rectangle in the upper
- left corner labled as "Display:" shows which one of the five lists is
- currently being displayed. The five lists are:
- Files - The files of the current directory, selected files will
- be displayed in inverse video.
- Devices - The list of devices available to AmigaDOS.
- Directories - Logical, or assigned directories.
- Volumes - Floppy and hard disk volume names.
- Selected - The current list of user selected files. Files selected
- by the mouse when this list is displayed will be removed
- from the selection list.
- The "PARENT" gadget will change the current directory to the parent
- directory. The current directory is displayed in the string gadget
- immediately below, which is labled "Drawer:", it will also change
- the current directory if a pathname is entered in it.
- The large rectangle is the familiar Amiga-like file selection array, it
- can display up to 15 files and/or directories at a time. Directories
- will be prefixed with a "(dir)" string to indicate that it is the name
- of a directory not a file. The righthand side of the rectangle shows
- the size in bytes of each file.
- Below the selection rectangle there are two size indicators. The one on
- the left, labeled as "Free:", shows the amount of free space left on the
- current device that the current directory is apart of. The right side
- shows the total number of bytes bytes for all of the files that have
- been selected.
- To the left of the selection rectangle is the proportional scroll gadget
- which enables the user to scroll through a list of filenames. The
- "knob", or smaller rectangle inside the scroll gadget is sized to
- indicate how much of the list is displayed by the selection rectangle at
- any one time.
- The next gadget down is the string gadget labled "File:", depending on
- the function that opened the requester, it can already contain a
- filename for possible selection by the user.
- The last two gadgets are the "OK" and "CANCEL" gadgets. The "OK" gadget
- will return to the calling function with a list of the selected files or
- the oen filename is it was opened as a "SINGLE FILE REQUEST". The
- "CANCEL" gadget will return with a null list indicating no file(s) were
- selected.
- 4.1 Phone directory.
- The phone directory resembles the file requester as far as the selection
- rectangle and scroll gadget, but that is where it ends.
- The "ADD" gadget will allow you to add a phone directory entry. The
- "EDIT" gadget will let you edit the last entry selected in the
- selection rectangle. The "DELETE" gadget removes an entry, like the
- edit feture though, only the last entry that was selected.
- The directory entry requester has string gadgets for the name, phone
- number, optional macros file, optional capture file and password
- definitions.
- Four button gadgets define which, if any, of the dialing prefixes you
- wish to use for dialing. See the modem requester section for further
- information on the dialing prefixes.
- The "LOAD and "SAVE" gadgets do the expected for the phone directory.
- The string gadget labled "Master password:" contains the character
- string that is used by JR-Comm to generate passwords for each directory
- entry if you want one.
- 4.1.1 The directory entry requester.
- The directory entry requester is accessed either by selecting the "ADD"
- gadget to create a new entry, or by selecting "EDIT" to edit an existing
- directory entry.
- The Name and Number string gadgets should be filled with the appropriate
- information for the desired entry.
- The Macros and Capture string gadgets are optional, if a filename for
- the Macros entry is filled in this allows you to select the "Macros"
- gadget in the bottom row to define the function key macros for this
- entry. If the Capture string gadget is filled in then a capture file
- will be opened in append mode after the dialer completes a connection
- for this entry. Please see the section on filname creation.
- Four other buttons are used in conjunction with the string gadget
- labled "Length:" to define what type of password you desire. The
- "Length" string gadget instructs JR-Comm how many characters to
- generate for the password. The first button, labled "Fixed" will let
- you enter a password in the string gadget which won't be modified by
- JR-Comm when you close the requester. The other three buttons,
- "Alpha", "Numeric" and "Alphanumeric" define what type of password will
- be generated by JR-Comm when the requester is closed. The generated
- password will be placed in the password string gadget and "Fixed"
- button will then be set so that the password won't be changed until you
- wish to by doing an edit of the directory entry.
- The row of gadgets along the bottom allow you to select the various
- parameter requesters to tailor the entry for the system you are
- entering.
- The "CANCEL" gadget will either cancel a new directory entry or an edit.
- 4.1.2 The phone dialer.
- JR-Comm is capable of multi-dialing any number of directory entries,
- just select the ones you want dialed and then select the "DIAL" gadget
- in the phone direcotry.
- The dialer is controlled by three parameters in the modem requester,
- number of retries, dial timeout and redial delay. The number of
- retries defaults to 15 and applies to each entry that is selected when
- the dialer is called. The dial timeout refers to how many seconds the
- dialer will wait for a connection after dialing, it defaults to 30
- seconds. The redial delay is also in seconds, defaults to 60 and is
- the amount of wait time at the end of the list before restarting again.
- The dialer has some additional intelligence built-in besides checking
- for modem "BUSY" responses. If three "NO DIALTONE" responses are
- received from the modem, the dialer will halt. It will also remove an
- entry from the selected list if a "VOICE" response is received or if
- three "NO CARRIER" responses have been received for that entry.
- When a connection is made the entry is removed from the selected list so
- that it will be passed over when the dialer is called again. If a
- macros file was defined for this directory entry it will be loaded. If
- a capture file was defined it will be opened in append mode. Any other
- parameters will be set if required prior to returning to terminal mode.
- 4.2 Hangup modem.
- Will hangup the modem either by sending the hangup command string as
- defined in the modem requester or, by dropping the DTR signal to the
- modem if the DTR gadget is active in the modem requester. The default
- is to send the hangup command, which is initially set to the Hayes
- compatible "~~~+++~~~ATH1^M" string. See the section on special
- character definitions for modem and other commands that are sent out of
- the serial port.
- 4.3 Modem break.
- Sends a break signal out the serial port for a length specified by the
- gadget in the serial requester. Default is 250,000 microseconds.
- 4.4 Send password.
- After the dialer has connected to a system, the password in the
- directory entry that was connected to will be sent to the modem when
- this item is selected.
- 4.5 Timer reset.
- Resets the connect timer located in the status line.
- 4.6 Load defaults.
- Load a default parameters file. The file requester will be initialized
- to the filename which is in the general parameters requester.
- 4.7 Write defaults.
- Writes the currently set parameters to a defaults file.
- 4.8 Clear screen.
- Clears the screen. The same effect as a <CTRL>-L character or ANSI
- sequence of <ESC>[2J.
- 4.9 Screen to back.
- Moves the JR-Comm display to the back so that you can access another window.
- 4.10 About JR-Comm.
- Posts a little blurb about JR-Comm.
- 4.11 Exit.
- As expected, terminates the current JR-Comm session. Closes any open
- files prior to ending.
- 5.1 Kill buffer
- Empties the review buffer, this does not affect the capture of data
- which is kept in a seperate internal buffer.
- 5.2 View Buffer
- Places JR-Comm in review mode. If the status line is enabled it will
- display a message indicating the review mode is active. When the review
- first starts it will fill the screen with the most recent data received.
- The review buffer is controlled by the following key sequences.
- <ctrl><up> - move to the beginning of the buffer.
- <shift><up> - move up 24 lines.
- <up> - move up one line.
- <ctrl><down> - move to the end of the buffer.
- <shift><down> - move down 24 lines.
- <down> - move down one line.
- <esc> - end review mode, return to the terminal.
- 5.3 Open capture
- Opens a file for data capture. Any data currently in the review buffer
- will be immediately transfered to the capture file. Further data is
- seperately buffered in an internal 2k buffer. See the section on
- terminal parameters for the capture filters that are available.
- 5.4 Close capture
- Closes the capture file after writing any unsaved data. When a JR-Comm
- session is ended the capture file will be closed if currently open.
- 5.5 Append capture
- Append data to an existing file. The operation will also save the
- current contents of the review buffer to the appended file the same as
- an open capture operation mentioned above. The most recently used
- capture filename will be placed in the filename string gadget of the
- file requester when it is first opened.
- 6.1 Parameters requester.
- This requester contains all the options available for the file transfers
- available in JR-Comm.
- 6.1.1 Protocols.
- All the file transfer protocols in use by JR-Comm strictly adhere to the
- specifications outlined in the various documents that are available for
- each protocol. The following is a short description of the protocols
- available.
- CIS B+ - CompuServe's B+ file transfer protocol.
- WXMODEM - A variant of the XMODEM protocol which give better
- throughput perfomance over packet switched networks. This
- protocol is quite popular on the PeopleLink information
- service.
- XMODEM - The original XMODEM checksum protocol was created by Ward
- Christensen back in 1977. Since then it has been modified
- for better error correction by using an optional 16 bit CRC
- polynomial. JR-Comm will automatically attempt the CRC
- type transfer first and "step down" to the original
- checksum version if it's not recognized.
- XMODEM-1k - Another variation of XMODEM, this one uses 1,024 byte
- packets which gives higher throughput than the original
- XMODEM protocol.
- YMODEM - This is TRUE YMODEM, which is a batch transfer protocol.
- The filename, date and file size are transfered in a
- seperate header block at the beginning of each file
- that is transfered. This protocol also preserves the
- correct file size, the other XMODEM protocols above pad
- characters at the end of the file.
- YMODEM-g - This variation of YMODEM is intended for error correcting
- modems, like those that use MNP error correction. Because
- this protocol does no error checking the file is transfered
- with little delay and can achieve some of the highest
- throughput of any of the protocols listed here.
- ZMODEM - This is one of the newest and most powerful protocols
- available. It is capable of batch transfers, automatically
- initiated downloads, 32 bit CRC error checking, and a
- unique ability to resume a transfer that had been partially
- completed. JR-Comm supports one of the most complete
- implementations of the ZMODEM protocol as defined by the
- specification document written by ZMODEM's author, Chuck
- Forsberg.
- 6.1.2 Miscellaneous parameters.
- Save aborted - Determines if a file is saved or deleted if the
- transfer is aborted.
- Relaxed timing - Set this gadget if a file transfer fails or gets an
- excessive number of timeouts. Useful for packet
- switched networks.
- Auto chop - WXMODEM, XMODEM & XMODEM-k pad data to the last block
- of a file transfer. This feature will attempt to
- remove this data from a binary file only.
- GMT offset - This numeric string gadget contains the positive or
- negative offset of local time to Greenwich Mean Time.
- Eastern Standard Time would be expressed with the
- value -5. This is used in YMODEM and ZMODEM transfers
- so that the true file date can be preserved.
- 6.1.3 ASCII send parameters.
- Expand blanks - If this gadget is selected then any lines in the
- ASCII file which are completely blank will have a blank
- character sent prior to sending the newline character.
- Some online text editors will stop accepting input if
- a newline is entered by itself, this option prevents
- that from occuring.
- Prompt char - Instructs JR-Comm to wait after transmitting a line
- of text for a specific character before sending the
- next line.
- Char delay - A numeric value describing hundredths of seconds to wait
- between sending characters.
- Line delay - Like char delay above, tenths of seconds to wait
- between sending lines of text.
- 6.1.4 Transfer mode.
- Determines if a file transfer will be done as pure binary without any
- end-of-line conversions or, in text mode, and end-of-line conversion
- will be processed as per the settings in the terminal requester for
- end-of-line in and out.
- 6.1.5 ZMODEM options.
- Resume transfer - If the requested file already exists JR-Comm
- will attempt to resume the file transfer. A
- check is made between JR-Comm and the remote
- system that the file to be resumed is shorter.
- If the file is not shorter the transfer will be
- aborted.
- Auto download - When this gadget is active it allows JR-Comm to
- start a ZMODEM download automatically.
- Auto d/l challenge - This feature, when selected, instructs JR-Comm
- to perform a challenge to the remote system so
- that it can determine if the remote really
- intended an automatic download to start. This
- gadget is activated at the same time the auto
- download gadget is selected, but may be
- independantly de-selected in case a certain
- remote system does not support the challenge
- option.
- Escape ctrl chars - Instructs JR-Comm to do an escape of certain
- control characters that can interfere with the
- operation of packet-switched networks.
- 32 bit CRC - Use the newer 32 bit CRC mode of error detection
- first, drops down to 16 bit version if the
- remote does not support it.
- 6.1.6 ZMODEM send modes.
- The following modes are applicable to a ZMODEM upload from JR-Comm only.
- They have no effect on a download, regardless of protocol used.
- Newer/longer - Transfer if the file is newer, longer or not
- present.
- CRC different - Transfer if file has a different CRC or is not
- present.
- Append files - Append data only if remote file is shorter than
- the file locally. If the file is not present,
- create it.
- Overwrite files - Overwrite any files that are present. Also
- called "clobber" mode.
- Protect all files - Protect all files unconditionally.
- 6.2 Upload file.
- Opens the file requester for selection of file(s) to be uploaded. The
- terminal can still be accessed to converse with the remote system while
- the requester is open. Pressing the "CANCEL" gadget will abort the
- upload attempt.
- The status window displays the progress of the transfer and estimated
- time to complete the transfer. The close window gadget will abort the
- transfer unconditionally. There may be a short time lag from when the
- gadget is selected to when the window closes and getting returned to
- the terminal mode of JR-Comm. This is due to JR-Comm attempting to
- flush the data stream of any left over data that may have been in
- transit during the transfer.
- 6.3 Download file.
- Same operation as with uploads mentioned above. YMODEM and ZMODEM do
- not prompt for filenames since they are sent from the remote system
- during the transfer.
- 6.4 ASCII send.
- Opens the file gadget for selection of a file to do an ASCII send of.
- The status line if present will display the filename while it is opened
- for transfer. This is indicated by the filename prefixed by the '<'
- character.
- 7.1 Serial parameters.
- In addition to the standard settings for baud, parity, data and stop
- bits, you have gadgets that allow you to set handshake method and duplex
- type. There is also a string gadget that lets you set the amount of
- time, in microseconds, a break signal will last.
- 7.1.1 Handshaking.
- The four types of handshaking, or flow control, are:
- XON/XOFF - Uses the XON and XOFF characters for flow control.
- CTS/RTS - Also known as hardware flow control, used mostly with high
- speed and/or MNP modems that lock the baud rate between
- computer and modem at a rate higher than the connect speed.
- Both - Use both XON/XOFF and CTS/RTS flow control together.
- None - Don't use any flow control.
- 7.1.2 Duplex modes.
- JR-Comm has three type of duplexing available, they are:
- Full - Used when the remote system echos a character it receives.
- Half - When a key is pressed it is displayed locally as well as sent
- out the serial port. If the remote system were to echo the
- character you will see two of each character when a key is
- pressed.
- Echo - Will echo a character it receives back out to the serial port,
- also displays the character received.
- 7.2 Modem parameters.
- This requester contains all the necessary items for setting how
- JR-Comm's phone dialer will interact with the modem. All strings
- default to standard Hayes compatible modem commands and responses.
- 7.2.1 Modem commands:
- Init - Sent to the modem when JR-Comm is first started, but
- only if a carrier signal is not present.
- Hangup - Used to hangup the modem if the DTR gadget is not
- active. The '~' character represents a one-half
- second delay.
- Dial prefix - The charcter string used to prefix a modem dial
- command.
- Dial postfix - The charcter sequence used to terminate a dial
- command.
- 7.2.2 Alternate dial prefixes.
- JR-Comm provides you with three alternate dialing prefixes that will be
- prefixed the the phone number of a phone directory entry. To use a
- prefix set the appropriate gadget in the phone directory entry
- requester.
- 7.2.3 Response codes.
- The eight response codes and their Hayes defaults are:
- OK - "OK", The usual modem response to a command.
- Busy - "BUSY", sent when a busy signal is detected.
- Ring - "RING", sent when the modem detects a ring signal.
- Error - "ERROR", sent when the modem detects an error.
- Voice - "VOICE", not all modems are capable of sending this.
- Connect - "CONNECT", the modem has connected to another modem.
- No carrier - "NO CARRIER", the remote system did not respond.
- No dialtone - "NO DIALTONE", sent if no dialtone signal was present.
- 7.2.4 Phone dialer parameters.
- Three parameters are used to control the phone dialer in JR-Comm, they
- are:
- Redial delay - Indicates how many seconds JR-Comm will wait before
- re-starting the list of selected entries.
- # of retries - How many times JR-Comm will loop through the list of
- selected entries before returning to the terminal.
- Dial timeout - How many seconds JR-Comm will wait for a connection
- after sending the dial command to the modem.
- 7.2.5 Miscellaneous parameters.
- There are two button gadgets that indicate if JR-Comm will use the DTR
- signal to hangup the modem, and if JR-Comm should ignore the state of
- the carrier detect signal. If this last gadget is set to ignore the
- carrier detect signal then the phone dialer will search for the connect
- string instead of the carrier detect for a connection, it will also turn
- off the connect timer in the status line if it is displayed.
- 7.3 Terminal parameters.
- This requester deals with how JR-Comm's terminal mode will be operated.
- there are options for capture filters, screen type, end-of-line in and
- out conversion types and if chat mode is active.
- 7.3.1 Capture filters.
- These filters affect the review buffer and capture file, if open. The
- filters currently available are:
- Graphics chars - Use this option if you want the high bit of each
- character reset that is received when using 8 data
- bits, no parity.
- ANSI codes - Turn this filter on if you do not want ANSI screen
- control codes captured. The codes will still affect
- the screen though.
- CTRL chars - Removes all control characters except for carrige
- returns, line feeds, form feeds, tabs and
- backspaces.
- Backspaces - If this filter is active then any backspace received
- will remove the previous character recieved from the
- capture file too. This results in the capture function
- operating in the same manner as the display.
- 7.3.2 Chat mode.
- Jr-Comm's chat mode is activated when this button gadget is selected.
- Chat mode is indicated by the solid square cursor on the last line of
- the display. If the connect timer and/or time-of-day clock is also
- active when chat mode is activated then the maximum size of each chat
- line is 60 characters. If either or both timer and clock are turned off
- or if the status line was not active when chat mode is activated, then
- the chat line size will be modified to 70 or 80 characters in length.
- The chat line will automatically word wrap when the end of the line is
- reached while typing so that you do not have to worry about going over
- the maximum size of the chat line. This maximum length will be 80, 70
- or 60, as described above if the connect timer and/or clock is also
- displayed.
- Line editing is available while in the chat mode. The left and right
- cursor keys move through the current line. The delete key has two
- functions, alone it deletes the character underneath the cursor, when
- pressed while the shift key is down it will insert a blank at the
- current cursor position. The backspace key works as expected. If the
- return key is pressed while in the middle of the chat line the complete
- line will be transmitted to the modem.
- The chat mode also has a history buffer which can be accessed via the up
- and down cursor keys. The default size of 50 lines is used unless you
- have increased or decreased it. Each line is set to a maximum of 80
- charcters so that full editing can be utilized on each string.
- Finally, the '^' character can be used to send control characters out
- via the chat line. Two '^' characters in a row will send the '^'
- character itself.
- 7.3.3 EOL in & out conversion.
- Selects which type of end-of-line sequence will be sent when the return
- key is pressed or, when ASCII send is active, a newline character is
- sent. The default out is a carrige return. When an end-of-line
- sequence is received it will be converted to the selected sequence,
- usually a linefeed character, also called a newline character.
- 7.3.4 Screen type.
- Selects the type of screen JR-Comm will use. The default makes JR-Comm
- use the Workbench screen. The other selections are for two, four, eight
- or 16 color screens. The 16 color screen will give you the full ANSI
- color emulation as defined by the IBM ANSI screen.
- 7.3.5 Text and background colors.
- Enter the color number you wish to use for text and background color for
- a multi-color display. See the palette for the colors and their
- numbers.
- 7.4 Macros requester.
- The macros requester lets you define up to 20 different macro strings
- that will be output to the serial port when the appropriate function key
- is pressed. The shift key gives you the second set of 10 macros, the
- unshifted function keys access the first 10 macros.
- The display buttons indicate which set of macros is currently being
- displayed.
- The '~' character will make JR-Comm pause for one-half second while
- processing a macro. The '^' character is used for sending control
- chracters, the sequence "^M" will send a carrige return, the equivalent
- of pressing the return key.
- The "LOAD" and "SAVE" gadgets will take you to the file requester so
- that you can save or load a set of function key macros.
- 7.5 Palette requetser.
- Works like most any color palette requester found in other Amiga
- applications. The "RESET" gadget will reset the colors to the default
- IBM ANSI color set.
- If you are familiar with the IBM color palette you will notice that the
- colors do not follow normal IBM ordering. This was necessary so that
- the colors JR-Comm uses for string gadgets and requester borders/titles
- would be visible and "clean" in appearence throughout the different
- screen types it uses.
- 7.6 General parameters.
- The parameters in this requester deal with the status line, review buffer
- and chat history sizes, pathnames and filenames.
- 7.6.1 The status line.
- Three button gadgets control the status line, they are:
- Status line displayed - Self explanatory.
- Time of day clock - Determines if the time-of-day is displayed.
- On-line timer - Same goes for the connect timer.
- 24 hour mode - Selects either 12 or 24 hour mode.
- 7.6.2 Size settings.
- The review buffer size is indicated in bytes and defaults to 16,000. The
- chat history size indicates lines and defaults to 50.
- 7.6.3 Pathnames.
- Set these string gadgets for JR-Comm to look for or place files for
- uploading and downloading. The files path is used by JR-Comm to locate
- or put phonebook, macros, definition files and the session log.
- If during the operation of JR-Comm, you change directories in the file
- requester, that new pathname will be placed in the appropriate pathname
- string discussed here.
- 7.6.4 Filenames.
- Displays the current filenames in use for the phonebook, macro, logfile
- and capture files.
- 7.6.5 Logfile.
- The logfile records the following actions:
- - JR-Comm session start and end.
- - Connection to a system via the dialer.
- - Modem hangup command.
- - Carrier drop if the ignore carrier detect button in the modem requester
- is not active.
- - Successful downloads with file size, total error count and cps rate.
- If no logfile filename is present in the general parameters requester, no
- actions will be logged.
- 8.1
- Support for JR-Comm will be available by contacting the Atlantic County
- Amiga BBS, (609)625-2453. It is an open system available to anyone 24
- hours per day, seven days per week. Access of 3/12/24 & 9600 HST is
- supported.
- If you are calling with a problem about JR-Comm please be specific and
- post your request in a public message. This will help future callers
- who may find the information they're searching for by reading previously
- posted messages.
- The most current release of JR-Comm will always be available on the BBS.
- Likewise, there will be new versions simultaneously posted on
- CompuServe, People Link and GEnie. Requests for help will sporadically,
- if at all, be responded to on these services, please call the BBS instead.